More relevance for your products thanks to smart & proven SEO tactics.
We ensure an increase in your visibility with targeted adjustments to your product listings.

More sales through data-based optimization of your products.

SEO on eBay is often underestimated, yet it is, next to price, the most important approach to selling successfully on the eBay marketplace.

EBay automatically displays search results for customers in "best results" order, so you need to make sure that both product images, the title, and item features are filled out and matched as best as possible.

These features and an attractive price for the customer will put your product at the top of the list and ensure the best buying behavior.

What does eBay SEO do for you?

As already mentioned in the first text section, the eBay customer gets his search results displayed according to the "best results" order.

This means for you, a low price is always attractive for the customer, but it does not necessarily help you to be listed in the first place on eBay.

The eBay internal search engine evaluates not only the price and general product information, but also the click-through and purchase rate.

This means that if a product is clicked on often but not bought much, eBay assumes that the product does not match the customer's search keywords and penalizes it with a lower ranking.

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Strategic and competent advice.
Our approach:

We get an insight into your product portfolio and discuss with you the goals that you expect during a collaboration with us.

We first look here at the basics such as.

  • meaningful title with max. 80 characters
  • the product characteristics are stored for all articles
  • the product is created in the correct category
  • which and how many images are stored - the more the better
  • there is an individual product description for each product
  • prices are competitive and adjusted
  • the relevant sales features are highlighted

In addition to these features, there are others that we check and improve if necessary.

We will be happy to review your portfolio in advance free of charge and discuss possible solutions without obligation.


With the help of our free potential analysis, we offer you the highest possible transparency and honest feedback.

We take the time to analyze your account and ensure you receive honest feedback regarding the feasibility and implementation of your request.

The goal here is not to get you a contract as quickly as possible, but to clarify internally whether the desired requests are currently feasible in terms of personnel and time.


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Take your business to the next level - with AI repricing!
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Fair pricing models
Short contract terms