
Repricing tips: How to avoid costly pricing mistakes

3 Minutes

Repricing tips: How to avoid costly pricing mistakes

Mistake #1: Setting prices too low

One of the biggest mistakes in repricingis to set prices too low. This can cause you to reduce your profit margins andmake your business unprofitable. To avoid this, you should calculate your costsaccurately and make sure that your prices are high enough to cover your costsand allow you to make a reasonable profit.

Mistake #2: Setting prices too high

Another mistake in repricing is to setprices too high. This can lead to your products no longer being attractive andyou making fewer sales. To avoid this, you should keep an eye on yourcompetition and make sure that your prices are competitive.

Mistake #3: Irregular price adjustments

Another mistake in repricing is to adjustyour prices irregularly. This can lead to your customers losing trust in yourbusiness and you receiving bad reviews. To avoid this, you should regularlymonitor your prices and adjust them accordingly.

Mistake #4: Not considering supply and demand

Another mistake in repricing is nottaking supply and demand conditions into account. This can lead to you settingyour prices too high or too low, thereby either reducing your profit margins orlowering your sales figures. To avoid this, you should adjust the supply anddemand conditions for your products accordingly.

To avoid these mistakes, you should calculate your costs accurately, keep aneye on the competition, monitor your prices regularly, observe supply anddemand conditions and pay attention to changes in the market. By taking thesethings into account, you can develop a successful repricing strategy that willincrease your sales and take your business to a higher level.

Why Amazon repricing makes sense for private label products

You've probably heard of the "privatelabel" business model, but what about price matching for privatelabels?


What was still rather unknown among Amazon sellers a few years ago is now ahousehold name for almost all retailers on Amazon. And it looks like the saleof Amazon own-brand products has only just begun.


The rise of private label retailers onAmazon resulted from the desire to set themselves apart from theever-increasing number of other third-party sellers. Many Amazon listing pagesare flooded with a variety of offers, which can be overwhelming for a shopper.


For many retailers, the private label business offers a welcome source ofincome alongside the sale of merchandise.


So what is the solution? You offer articles under your own brand name, haveyour own detail page and can design your offer as you see fit.


However, there are some widespread misconceptions among retailers that oftenmean that the hoped-for results do not materialize. Above all, the generalbelief that private label products do not automatically have to be repriced.


Let's take a closer look at why this mindset is costing private labelmerchants sales and profits on Amazon, and we'll look at a few ideas on how youcan get better results for your business and your profits.


"I don't have to reprice my own-brand products, they have nocompetition!"

If you sell private label products, you have most likely either said thisstatement yourself or heard it from someone else. But is this statement true?


Many private label sellers agree with this statement, because who wouldn'twant to no longer have to adjust the price of their products?

However, as a retailer, you should know best: It is virtually impossible foryou to be the only seller of an item on Amazon.

If you have not just found a niche for yourself, the item you have brandedwill in many cases already be offered by other sellers under a different brand.


Even if you are the only seller in your listing, a buyer searching for theitem you are selling will likely see many other listings from other privatelabel and brand sellers.

For example, do a search on Amazon for "charging cableiPhone". Youwill see that there are many offers from different sellers; some sellers areprivate labels, others are brand manufacturers (e.g. Apple), all sellingessentially the same product with different brands and packaging.


The key point is that you are eliminating direct competitors to Amazonoffers, but not competing offers for similar products. This situation is thereason why the idea that "private label products have no competition"is and will remain a myth.


And as with offers with several direct competitors, if you ignore theseindirect competitor prices, you will miss out on sales or, in many cases, leavemoney lying around because competitor offers have risen in price or sold out.

If you remove the Buy Box from the equation by creating catalog pages whereyou exist alone, you need to find other ways to increase sales. A good start isto make sure your prices are in line with the current competitive situation forsimilar products.


If you offer a private label product at a fixed price with a certain profitmargin and then ignore product or price optimization, there is a good chancethat other private label suppliers offering similar items will ensure thattheir product is priced below yours.


In this situation, the priority should be to capture the buyers who arelooking for the lowest price. If this buyer is looking for the item they want,they will most likely buy the product with the lowest price if they see manydifferent products that are essentially the same.


With the private label repricing of metaprice you can prevent this problem andcompete with up to 10 competitor Asin's and their BuyBox prices.


You tell our system which Asin's it should compete with and define an Upperand Lower Price Limit, the rest is done automatically by the system 24 hours aday.


This strategy will ensure the following:


Your price remains competitive in the long term.

You may even be able to offer the lowest price, which is the key to moreprivate label sales. In most cases, buyers will opt for the lowest price in agroup of similar items.


Repricing of private labels: an absolute need and a musthave!


The aim here is to maximize profits, optimize sales speed and remaincompetitive in the broad mass of similar offers from other private labelsellers.

These are all important prerequisites for a successful private labelbusiness.

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